WIN! 4 Years Protection Against Fleas & Ticks

Who wants to WIN a Flea & Tick Disc?
 Go to >> Pet Protector 
 Click the Photo Contest buttonand follow the steps
 SHARE your link on Social Media to get more votes

NOTE: it can take a day or two before the company publishes your photos, as the company screens them all for spam first (there were a few not so nice pics up at first!) but they will definitely appear and you will get an email when your photo is live.

Don't forget to share your link on social media to get more votes! 

Pet Protector Flea & Tick Discs are suitable for Dogs, Cats and even Horses!

Learn about how these amazing discs work to protect your pets against fleas and ticks for a Full 4 Year Period at the manufacturer's website


  • Is it for cats too

    Debbie Hall

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