So you have an ant problem?
No need to worry - we have the solution!
Use for pet food, honey, cakes, picnics, camping, pantries, bins, and so much more!
Simply place the bowl, dish or item you want protected on the plate.
- You're home, ANT FREE!
- Keep ants off! Natural ant deterring system.
- Created with over four years of research and development.
- Keeps pet bowls ANT FREE during mealtimes, and beyond.
- Great for picky pets.
- Safe and hassle-free.
- Simply place anything that needs protecting on the plate, it’s that easy!
- Ant Proof Plates use an all natural, non-toxic ant repellent for peace of mind and safety.
No more issues with ants in kitchen bins.
- Safe and non-toxic.
- No initial set up required. Comes pre-loaded with ant repellent.
- Strong, sleek design.
- Simply wipe clean.
- Fully portable.
- Years of protection
- Utilizes gravity to enhance repellent effectivenes.
- Natural ant repellant
- 60 day money back guarantee
- Works without water, oil, or poisons.
It's where and how we place the repellent that makes ant proof plate special.
Repellent alone, can be messy and usually only last a few days before condensation and dust impacts it's performance.
Ant proof plates repellent is securely tucked away on the base of the top plate, which gives the diatomaceous earth the protection and added effect of gravity to really be ant proof.
Gravity? But ants can walk upside down? How does that work?
On an ant proof plate the repellent is attached to a glue pad. And if an ant thinks can get over the discomfort caused by the diatomaceous earth, it will still not be able to get a foot hold, as the repellent will simple fall way under it's tiny feet.
The Repellent We use.
Ant Proof Plate uses an all-natural insect repellent made from fossilized water plants also known as diatoms. The diatoms are mined and ground up to render a powder that looks and feels like talcum powder to us.
Diatoms are harmless to mammals. We can eat it. In fact we do eat it! It’s in lots of grain based foods because lots of grains are stored with diatoms to keep bugs from eating the grain!
To insects, slugs and snails, diatoms are a lethal dust with microscopic razor sharp edges. These particles stick to an insect and get embedded between its exoskeleton joints.
As the insect moves, it gets physically cut up. Insects are not willing to crawl on the diatoms as death will follow, when they encounter diatoms they simply will not cross it. There is no build-up of tolerance like there is with poison because the method of repelling is PHYSICAL, not chemical.